August 2013. Just under 200,000 whites are involved in interracial marriages every year in the US, analysis of Pew Research Center figures (in turn based on US Census Bureau and American Community Survey data) has revealed.

Of the 2,096,000 marriages in the US in 2010, some 275,500 were interracial—and of that number, 192,850 involved white partners, male or female.
The study found that in total, 8.4 percent of all current U.S. marriages are interracial, up from 3.2 percent in 1980.
White Americans are statistically the least likely to marry outside of their race, although because of their numbers, are in absolute involved in interracial marriages more than any other group.
Some 2.1 percent of married White women and 2.3 percent of married White men had a non-White spouse. 1.0 percent of all married White men were married to an Asian American woman, and 1.0 percent of married White women were married to a man classified as “other”.
Hispanics and Asians remained the likeliest to marry outside their race, and the increasing number of interracial marriages mostly reflects those groups’ larger share of the general population.
The total number of Americans who listed their ethnicity as “mixed race” was just under 9 million in 2010.
Of the 275,500 new interracial marriages in 2010:
– 43 percent were white-Hispanic couples;
– 14.4 percent were white-Asian:
– 11.9 percent were white-black;
and the remainder were other combinations.
Research has established beyond any doubt that interracial couples have a higher divorce rate than those who marry within their race. The famous 2008 study by Jenifer L. Bratter and Rosalind B. King (’’But Will It Last?’’: Marital Instability Among Interracial and Same-Race Couples” Family Relations, 57 (April 2008), 160–171) found that according “to the adjusted models predicting divorce as of their 10th year of marriage, interracial marriages that are most vulnerable involve White females and non-White males (with the exception of White females/Hispanic White males) relative to White/White couples. Conversely, White men/ non-White women couples show either very little or no differences in divorce rates; or, as in the case of White men and Black women, are substantially less likely than White/White couples to divorce by their 10th year.”
Furthermore, marriages which did not cross a racial barrier, “which was the case for White/Hispanic White couples, showed statistically similar likelihoods of divorcing as White/White marriages.”
Live Births
Of the 4,130,665 live births in the US in 2009, some 2,212,552 were “Non-Hispanic White” – or 53 .6 % of the total.
This means that there are still plenty of white children being born, but in percentage terms of the grand total of children in America, their numbers are shrinking.
“White Flight” will inevitably lead to them being concentrated in more rural areas, where, as long as they do not build large cities again, the mass of urban Third Worlders are less likely to follow.
Nonetheless, if white Americans, or at least a significant number, are to survive the coming racial apocalypse, then this birth rate has to be increased (along with all other white nations around the globe, of course).
Young white people who understand this message must realize that there is nothing more significant or important that they can do than to have children—and the more, the merrier. Get busy now!—Your life depends on it.