June 2014. By Andrew Brons, Member of the European Parliament. I am not easily lured into unjustified superlatives but this might be one of most important books ever written. It is also, just possibly, one of the most depressing.

I remember Arthur giving a talk on press publicity to some of my MEP staff. He said that a clear outline of the story contained in a press statement should appear in the first paragraph.
He followed his own prescription, with the necessary changes, in his book. A clear outline of the book is contained in the eleven pages of its Prologue and in the page and a half of the postscript.
That does not mean that you can skip pages 12-662 though I am sure that some will. They contain the evidence that supports his conclusions. I can assure you that I did read them but please do not devise a test for me. Newly acquired information is not so easily retained in the elderly. I shall probably need to read the whole book a second time.
Some might accuse him of using the term civilization rather too liberally and widely. He asked what would happen if the Australian Aborigine population were to replace the Chinese population and concluded that China would have an Aborigine civilization. Erm, yes.
Indeed he avoids at all costs making judgments of some civilizations as being superior or inferior when compared with others. However, the reader is not prohibited from making such judgments.
Civilizations are the product of the particular races that created them. Change the race and you will change the civilization. He avoids using the word ‘fall’ of civilizations and prefers the word ‘replacement’. That might be a sign of his objectivity or simply his kindness.
He examines the rise and fall—sorry, replacement—of civilizations in India, Central Asia, Sumeria and Egypt and then continues to look at Greece and Rome.
He ridicules all of the elaborate social, political, economic and environmental explanations for their fall—sorry, replacement. A society or civilization is only a reflection of the population of its territory.
“If the society that has produced a particular civilization stays intact as a racially homogeneous unit, then that civilization remains active. If, however, the society within any given area changes its racial makeup—through invasion, immigration, or any decline in numbers—then the civilization that that society has produced will disappear with them, to be replaced by a new civilization reflecting the new inhabitants of that territory”.
“Originally created by Proto-Nordics, Alpines and Mediterraneans and then influenced by waves of Indo-European invaders, the white civilizations of the Middle East flourished, producing the wonders of the ancient world.
“These regions were either invaded or otherwise occupied (through the use of labourers, immigration or, in rare cases by conquest) by non-white nations of varying races. When the original white peoples who created those civilizations vanished or became an insignificant minority (through death and absorption into other races) their civilizations ‘fell’ in exactly the same way as the Amerind civilization in North America ‘fell’.”
Arthur Kemp concludes with these telling words:
“When the white civilizations of the ancient world were overrun, there were always new territories and new lands to be opened. When Mesopotamia fell, Egypt arose. When Egypt fell, classical Greece arose. When classical Greece fell, Rome arose. When Rome fell, the European states arose. The New World was opened and North America, Australia and New Zealand were added as white heartlands.
“Now however, these are all threatened by mass Third World immigration. There are no more new territories or lands to be opened. It is the final call for white Western civilization.”